Rachael Guynn Wilson is a writer living in Brooklyn. Her critical and poetic work has appeared in 16 Poems for Philip Guston by Clark Coolidge (Container Corps, 2022), A propósito de nada / Apropos of Nothing (Aeromoto + Wendy’s Subway), apricota (Secretary Press), BathHouse Journal, Brooklyn Rail, The Distance Plan, Evening Will Come (The Volta), Hyperallergic, Jacket2, Kenyon Review Online, Matters of Feminist Practice (Belladonna* Series), Ritual and Capital (Bard + Wendy’s Subway), Vestiges, and elsewhere. She is a co-founder of the Organism for Poetic Research, a member of Belladonna* Collaborative, and Managing Editor at Litmus Press. She holds a Ph.D. in English from New York University and teaches at Pratt Institute.